Anthem by Ayn Rand Essay

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By binding a man’s body, his physical actions are limited and therefore he is now submissive and physically harmless. However, the man’s mind is still free and can still disperse his ideas and opinions into influencing others; similar to currents flying through electric wires, these ideas will spread like fire and soon large flocks of individuals will be swayed into different opinions. As these opinions gather, a powerful thought can form-the concept of questioning authority and stepping outside the conformity of society. For an absolutism authority, the questioning of power is the pinnacle of crimes because it opens the door to the challenging of authority and ultimately, the overthrowing of power. In Ayn Rand’s Anthem, the World Council has successfully established a community where individual imagination and curiosity is stifled and the principal of working specialized occupations to better the society instead of the individual is implemented to distract the population from creating any revolutionary theorization. The predestined lives of the citizens in the community and the regulations posed on them trample any hope of change indicating a society where the mind is crippled and the body is imprisoned.

A person’s occupation sets a base for the development of and individual’s personality in that it represents his interests and preferences. Since an occupation is the path by which an individual may venture in depth into his passion, it reasons to say that an occupation is a root of individuality. This plays into the understanding that a person’s yearn to differentiate himself from others plays a crucial role in his mental well-being. Equality 7-2521 in Anthem faces the daunting Council of Vocations who singlehandedly decide...

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...e Council can successfully subdue the minds of their citizens and can effectively remain in their seat of power for an immeasurable length of time.

The human mind is much more resilient than the human body in that it will not be subdued if one’s willpower is strong enough. However with the right conditions, the crippling of the mind can and will occur. The key points in the infrastructure of the mind have been crippled in Anthem by the Council by taking away individuality, personal interests, and scientific knowledge. Although the citizens within Anthem have been content leading their mundane lives, they’re unaware of the extent of their manipulation by the Council. By building a society where the human mind is successfully controlled from birth to death, the governmental power will forever remain in a position of power with the impossibility of being overthrown.

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