The Antagonist, Shakespeare

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Tales and stories have been told since the beginning of time, handed down from each generation to the next, and each story has left its mark on the listener even if it is not apparent. Parts of the story are remembered and it is the goal of an author or storyteller to leave an impact of each who hears their tale. The idea is to have a plot interesting enough to hold the attention and then to develop conflict those experiencing will remember. Part of the way this is accomplished is through the characters, not always the protagonist, but the antagonist as well. The villain of the story is an individual the audience will pay close attention to and attempt to understand as the storyline unfolds. “There’s something about antagonists that, I think, inherently fascinates us as readers. We all get at least a little curious about what leads someone to become ‘evil,’ why it is they do what they do, and so on. And considering we live in a world where right and wrong is all about perspective, well-done antagonists can be especially exciting.”(Hansen) Shakespeare develops his antagonists in a way that makes them interesting to the audience and does so especially well in his plays Othello, A Midsummer Night’s Dream, and Hamlet. Each play has an antagonist, or something near one in the case of Midsummer Night’s Dream, but the villains can be very different from one another and strikingly alike depending on the situation. Shakespeare’s creation of profound antagonists helps the audience to identify with what is taking place in each of these texts, as each villain aids in the effect the story has on those who experience it, for they will remember them, if only in some vague way, forever.
The development of Iago, the villain of Shakespeare’s Oth...

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Jamieson, Lee. "Iago Analysis- A Character Analysis of Iago from 'Othello.'" About. N.p., 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. . Second.

Mabillard, Amanda. "Introduction to Claudius in Hamlet." Shakespeare Online. N.p., 15 Aug. 2008. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. . Fourth.

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Vineski, Patricia. "Puck in A Midsummer Night's Dream." Education Portal. N.p., 2014. Web. 26 Jan. 2014. . Third.

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