Annotation 10C-10E- Human Resource Management

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Annotation 10C
It is uneasy to conduct a performance review that lacks a clear purpose as well as a mutual understanding, between the interviewer and the interviewee on what this review is supposed to accomplish.
The concern of this is which is more beneficial to, the organization, or to either the interviewer, or the interviewee?
Most managers that conduct performance reviews find it a tough challenge. To evaluate and rate an employee, with an obvious bad performance record, with a good evaluation. This causes a barrier, what Samuel A Culbert calls, “‘Dysfunctional pretense’ that poses a barrier to communication and teamwork and generates low morale.” (Kreitner & Cassidy, p. 280).
This widespread dissatisfaction on all sides of the review hurts all. The company continuing to employee an individual with a poor work performance, however, the work performance review states the employee is the opposite and does not perform to management specification. The manager that gave the review is showing that they really do not care for the image of the company when they write such good reviews on employee’s poor work ethics. Then there are the other employees that when any manager gives a good review on poor performance, the message sent to other employees, those that perform average or better than average, which states that it is ok to screw up and get a good review and still continue to work for the company. Therefore, those that hear the message that it is ok to screw up will eventually start not to screw up and not care for the place of employment.
The company I worked for did do performance evaluations on their employees. It is my belief that the favorites, who did as little as possible in their job, had the better performance evaluations with incentive increase while those that worked hard and did their job beyond their job description were given an average evaluation with little or no incentive increase in salary. Therefore, those with the low evaluation actually did nothing to increase their value in the work place. The company has a very high turnover rate of employees

Annotation 10D
The answer is a simple, for I believe that both instructors and their diverse experiences would be beneficial to the employee. The teacher that has 20 year of experience at one job would help a student learn the aspects of experience needed for that one job. However, that instructor would only show the employee there is only one-way of doing a certain job with proficient.

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