Andrew Jackson's Presidency

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Andrew Jackson was like no other president before him. The previous presidents had one thing in common, they were all part of the founding fathers or in John Quincy Adam’s case was the son of a founding father. However Jackson was a plantation owner from the west who had no connections with the government. He also had different views from other presidents that made his presidency unique. Two things that separated Andrew Jackson’s presidency from previous presidencies were he reached out to the common people and he was disapproving of the Bank of United States. One of the ways Andrew Jackson was different than the previous presidents was he connected with the common people. During his second election Jackson won by speaking to the middle- class. Although he was a wealthy plantation owner himself he dressed in casual clothing and did not show off his riches. Unlike his opponent, John Quincy Adams, Jackson spoke to the concerns of ordinary people. The Jackson campaign was the first to appeal to common people. Because of his new style of campaigning he became very popular and won the el...

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