Ancient Roman Beast Hunting

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The beast hunts were held in the Colosseum or the amphitheaters across the Roman Empire as the first event in the morning of The Games before the executions and gladiator games. The purpose of the beast hunts was to show the wealth of the editor, or giver of The Games, and for the Romans to show their political authority in being able to obtain animals from far distant places. Also, beast hunts symbolized the power of man's control over nature. For the Romans, greater numbers and varieties of animals demonstrated the extent of their power. For example, at the inauguration of the Colosseum, under the Emperor Titus, 9000 animals were slaughtered. The record number of animals killed was 11000 under the Emperor Trajen. The animals were obtained from all corners of the known world, such as India, North Africa, Nothern Europe, Asia Minor, etc. There were many varieties of animals such as: bears, panthers, rhinoceri, hippos, croccodiles, lynx, apes, leopards, bulls, giraffes, ostriches, lions and elephants. The lion holds a special place in the hunts because of their speed and the stren...

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