Analysis on the Ocean Full of Bowling Balls by J.D. Salinger

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Anyone with genuine interest in literature, has heard about the recent leakage of Three Stories, a collection of three short stories written by famous American writer, J. D. Salinger. While I do not support the fact, that those are now known to general public despite author’s wishes for the stories not to be published until 50 years after his death, I cannot say, that I wasn’t thrilled when I heard they leaked. I will only focus on one of the three stories here, namely The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls, precursor to the famed The Catcher in the Rye, taking place on the day of Allie’s death. More specifically I will be dealing with the meaning and symbolism behind the phrase “bowling ball” in the text.

Wikipedia gives us following definition of a bowling ball: “A bowling ball is a piece of sporting equipment used to hit bowling pins in the sport of bowling. Ten-pin bowling balls are typically hard spheres with three holes drilled in them, one each for the ring and middle fingers, and one for the thumb.”

It is a sporting equipment and as such we can easily connect it with fun and competition, it also has holes drilled for the fingers, which leads to a better grip, more control. On the other hand, it is heavy, thus it is something that wants to get away from you, it is hard to hold control of it, it needs those holes drilled if we want to somewhat control it.

We first meet this phrase in the title, “The Ocean Full of Bowling Balls”. Ocean is in itself something light, relaxing, but bowling balls here immediately present themselves as heavy. It would be impossible to swim in ocean were it filled with bowling balls. If we connect the previously mentioned aspect of the heavy things being hard to control, such ocean would be even mor...

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...he bowling balls, simply answers: “Yeah, Vincent.”

This final use of the phrase and the simple Holden’s answer appears to be of no significance at the first sight. Yet this very answer is quite important. It could be shown either as agreeance or as resignation. Resignation at the fact, that the ocean just has to be full of bowling balls. One cannot change this, it is simple law of nature.

If we look back to the title now, it is fairly clear, that the ocean full of bowling balls presents polar opposites. It presents both life and death, and the bowling balls present all the joys of life and all its burdens. At the same time they also portray the relief from the burdens of life and cruel separation from the joys the life brings us. No matter how hard we try, we can’t escape the ocean, for it presents both, life and death. We can only try to swim or resign and drown.

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