Analysis of the Role-Play "Island Cruise"

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I. Introduction

I chose to represent the major in the “Island Cruise”-role play. Taking part at that play made me realize that there are several aspects that you should keep in mind before attending a meeting, e.g. and amongst others “be prepared”, “listen”, “share common goals” and “keep your emotions out”.

II. Strategy

First of all and to be honest, I was not prepared for the first two role-plays we did, because I thought it would not be necessary as I thought I am skilled in arguing and therefore felt prepared enough to deal with any argument that would come my way. I was proved wrong and therefore glad not to be the one who had to participate at the first two role-plays because all the others had better arguments and knowledge about certain facts.

My strategy for the “Island-Cruise” role-play was a different one. I tried to use all the facts we learned during the first two plays. I prepared my arguments but also prepared arguments the other party might rise in order to have smart answers ready when I need them.

While thinking about my goals as a mayor, I felt to ...

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