Analysis of The Road Not Taken, by Robert Frost

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In Robert Frost’s poem, “The Road Not Taken” there are many complexities that ultimately lead to the poem’s unity. At first glance this poem seems to be a very typical coming of age poem where the speaker has come to a major fork in the road and he must decide which path to take. At first glance this would be a very good statement to make; however, as the reader digs deeper and searches for the complexity and the nuances of the poem the original assessment seems to be shallow and underdeveloped. In order to truly appreciate this poem as a work of art, the reader must search for the unity and complexity within it, otherwise this poetic work of art will go by unnoticed and cast off as a coming of age poem and nothing else. There is a very straight forward structure to this poem that contributes to the complexity and unity of the poem as a whole. The rhyme scheme follows a very straight forward ABAAB variation. This rhyme scheme flows throughout the poem with no variations and adds to the organic unity of the work. The meter of this work follows iambic tetrameter which, when read aloud, adds to the thoughtfulness of the speaker. However, the meter is interrupted during one line of the poem which reads, “I shall be telling this with a sigh” (line 16). This line brings attention to itself in order to alert the reader to the ambiguity of the statement, which will be discussed later. The poem itself is constructed with four stanzas with five lines in each stanza which adds to the unity by giving the poem a sense of a full circle and rounded out. Throughout the poem, the rhythm is slow and thoughtful, as if the speaker is reflecting on the choices that he has made in his lifetime. This slow rhythm adds a layer of complexity by demonstra... ... middle of paper ... ...ll related to the choices that the speaker must make. The structure, imagery, tension and ambiguity all add to the complexity and unification of the poem. Each add layers of thoughts and new information to the poem and signal to the reader that it is more than what one might originally have thought. The reader must take time to peel back each layer in order to truly begin to understand the poem. “The Road Not Taken” purposefully makes the reader decide which road the speaker took and where that road took him; it forces the reader to think critically. This poem was very successful in showing unification through its use of imagery, tension, ambiguity and structure and should be added to the Western Tradition. Works Cited Frost, Robert. “The Road Not Taken.” Immortal Poems of the English Language. Ed. Oscar Williams. New York: First Pocket Books, 1952. 504.

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