Summary Of John Steinbeck's 'Grapes Of Wrath'

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Amimah Tahir Honors English II Analysis Questions 1. In The Grapes of Wrath, by John Steinbeck analyzes characters deeply in his novel. These characters, throughout the book, develop different qualities and personalities. One of the characters that show this development is Tom Joad. Tom Joad, in the beginning of the novel, is shown to be selfish and self- centered, but as the story progresses, and the teachings and experiences gained from Jim Casy, he changes to a leader and a helper of the community. Tom Joad is selfish from the beginning of the book. He is first introduced as a former fugitive on parole who was arrested for killing a man 4 years ago. He feels no guilt or shame about killing him and would do it again under the same circumstances, “I’d do what I done-again,” said Joad. “I killed a guy in a fight. We …show more content…

Symbolism is an important literary technique that “signifies ideas and qualities by giving them symbolic meanings that are different from their literal sense”. Symbolism provides a deeper and a significant understanding throughout the novel. In The Awakening many symbols are used to describe Edna. An important one is the use of birds. The beginning of the novel opens up with the bird yelling and swearing at Mr. Pontellier. This bird gives voice to Edna’s feelings and symbolizes her entrapment as the roles of a mother and wife. On the other hand the mockingbird, capable of understanding the parrots Spanish, represents Mademoiselle Reisz, because she is the only one who understands Edna and whom Edna feels comfortable sharing her feelings with. As Edna is walking down the beach, a “bird with a broken wing . . . beating the air above, reeling, fluttering, circling, disabled, down, down to the water” (189), represents Edna’s failure to find freedom. Another major symbol in the novel is the sea. It is a symbol of empowerment and death. It is the place she learns to

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