Analysis of Differnt Forms of Liberty

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The concept of liberty is important to this very day. Liberty initially means to be fundamentally free within ones society from any types of oppression, either from higher authority or from having different form ideologies that can be political or social. Liberty is a form of power that lets one act on their sets and values. In this paper, concept of liberty will be discussed on behalf of two philosophers, John Locke and Jean- Jacques Rousseau. Although liberty provides one to act as they please, there can be different forms of liberty, which are developed naturally by the state of nature and socially through development of human reasoning; state of nature is based on absolute freedom, while socially liberty is restricted. Firstly, John Locke states, liberty can be expressed as a right that allows people to be free and equal, where no one has the power over another and the person chooses what he or she should do on their own accord. Secondly, Jean-Jacques Rousseau states, in his social contract an essay depicting of liberty and freedom, stating men are born free but in a society they inherit freedom in which based on the place they are born in. If a child is born in to a family that has more power on basis on being richer, that child has more freedom. While if the child is born in a lesser power family (being poor) he has some restricted freedom. The freedom of individuals is locked in chains in a civil society, where different forms of governments give their own way of freedoms to their people. Thirdly, both John Locke and Jean-Jacques Rousseau believe in state of nature, freedom is ultimately there, through complex ideologies and reasoning, laws and rights are created, leading liberty to slowly disappear where these laws and r...

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...e that is like him share the same characteristics and understanding. (Rousseau, 1712-1778, p. 71). In order to preserve themselves they make a community that goes out to hunt together because they know working as a group they will get their prey faster and more easily. In their community no one has power over another but they share their skills with their partners to maintain their community. Thus, in a savage community liberty is demonstrated in a manner that no one has power over the other where one can do as he or she pleases, in order to self preserve, everyone shares their skills equally without demonstrating they are superior in that specific way.

Works Cited

Locke, J. (1690). Second Treatise of Government. Indianapolis: Hackett Publishing Company Inc.

Rousseau, J.-J. (1712-1778). The Basic Political Writing. Indiana: Hackett Publishing Company Inc.

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