Analysis of database management and information retrieval systems

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1. Differentiate between database management system and information retrieval system by focusing on their functionalities.
2. Highlight the differences between data and information.

3. Make appropriate use of diagrams to illustrate the underlying concepts/components of database management system and information retrieval system.

4. Differentiate between structured and non-structured data. Give examples for each.

5. Reference

Question 1
Database Management System (DBMS) is a program that use by one or more computer users for create and access data to in a database or a set of software tools that control access, organize, store up, handle, retrieve and to maintain data in a database. In practical use, the terms database has a database server, database system, data server, and database management systems are often used interchangeably.
Many several functions that a DBMS performs to make a guarantee the data integrity and consistency of data in the database. The ten functions has in the DBMS such as data dictionary management, data storage management, data conversion and presentation, safety management, multi-user access control, backup and revival management, data integrity management, database access languages and application programming interfaces, database communication interfaces, and transaction management.
Firstly, the function of DBMS is an update, storage of data and retrieve data. Whereas the data should be always bring up to date includes adding new records, changing and too deleting exist records. This certain function is used for the storage of data and any related data entry forms or screen definitions, report definitions, data validation rules, procedural...

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... The rules of unstructured systems are fewer and less complex.

From the beginning, the world of structured systems and unstructured systems has grown separately and yet in a parallel. Therefore, it is no surprise that each environment is a separate and apart from the other in ways such as a technical, an organizational, a structural, and a functional.

See the possibilities, if the two worlds were able to be connected in an effective and meaningful way. Visualize the new types of systems that could be built and the development to existing systems. However, see the amazing benefits to be gained if the technical, organizational, structural and useful barriers were to the disappear.

Works Cited

• Database Management Concepts By Joseph J. Adamski, Philip J. Pratt, 2003
• Fundamental of Database Systems 6th Edition by Ramez Elmasri and Shamkant B. Navathe, 2010

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