Analysis of Article No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn by Jon Entine

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Summary In his article “No, You Shouldn’t Fear GMO Corn” published at in 2012, Jon Entine argues that genetically engineered crops pose no harm to health or environment, and the conclusion Caitlin Shetterly made is absurd and holds no water. Though every major scientific regulatory oversight body in the world has concluded that GMO foods are harmless, the public remains deeply suspicious, fearing that such food may cause cancer or allergies. Caitlin Shetterly, one of the worried public, wrote an article in Elle magazine, claiming that genetically modified foods could cause allergic reactions, and that consumers face unknown and unacceptable risks from new, yet-to-be-identified allergens that our government’s monitoring program, compromised by industry, is not designed to pick up. The evidence Shetterly provided was the subsidence of her symptoms of eosinophilic disorder after she stripped all corn from her diet, which convinced her the cause-and-effect between eating genetically modified corn and the allergic reactions. She tried to prove her arguments by interviewing a ran...

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