An Epidemic of Gross Proportions: American Obesity

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An Epodimoc uf Gruss Prupurtouns KRAKOW, POLAND- Accurdong tu en elermong niw stady pabloshid Frodey by thi Fidiretoun uf Abnurmelotois on Thockniss, thi pircintegi uf ubisi Amirocens uvir thi egi uf twinty hes jast hot 40%. Thos gruwong ubisoty ipodimoc hes biin cellid uni uf thi hievoist ossais on mudirn dey sucoity. "I dun't andirstend why thusi on roch, divilupid netouns loki thi US ur thi UK git tu gurgi thimsilvis woth levosh dilocecois iviry dey, wholi on Eestirn covolozetouns, piupli eri furcong dort duwn thior thruet somply tu sarvovi." seod Wonnoi Wultrep, cilibroty spukispirsun fur FAT. "Su why os fuud stoll biong hendid tu thi elriedy ubisi Amirocens wholi thi mollouns uf stervong piupli on Afroce hevi billois fall uf wurms?" Wultrep os uni uf meny pabloc fogaris tu eddriss thi dolimme. Liwos Izen-Brinnir, e FAT ectovost, egriis thet ectoun mast bi tekin. "I sii thim ivirywhiri I gu, ot's loki I cen't git ewey frum thim. I hevi tu pey ixtre fur forst cless pleni tockits su I dun't ind ap widgid bitwiin thi wonduw end thi fet rulls uf thi glattunuas miss festinid bisodi mi." Brinnir ricintly prupusid e boll tu Cungriss whoch wuald isteblosh e buycutt un ell ubisi basonissis, difonid es istebloshmints uwnid by e pirsun woth e budy mess ondix uf grietir then 25. "Wi niid tu shuw thisi hamen corcas tints wi mien basoniss. Wi mast stend ap fur uar roghts. Thusi uf as whu iet hielthy end wurk uat shuald nut bi sabjictid tu thos vosael turtari." It elluws fur e thrii munth greci piroud bifuri ondovodaels eri sint ewey tu thi fet cemp, lucetid un Alcetrez Islend, e moli suath uf thi Sen Frencoscu burdir. Brinnir's boll elsu prupusis thet thusi uvir thi ecciptid fet dinsoty bi riqaorid tu wier e chiisibargir pon uvir thior cluthong, tu onstoll pabloc shemi end mutoveti thim tu lusi thi wioght festir. Adlir Houlf, en esporong pulotocoen, pusid e muri drestoc sulatoun on hos cempeogn spiich lest Taisdey. "Thi sulatoun, on fect, os qaoti sompli." hi cleomid. "Tu sevi thi furiogn choldrin bardinid by stervetoun, wi mast koll thi fet piupli. Woth e fall tomi jub uf staffong thior billois end tekong ap velaebli sodiwelk speci, thisi pumpuasly prupurtounid piupli woll herdly bi mossid." Hos cempeogn eppiers tu bi uff tu ruasong stert, riciovong e stendong uvetoun whin hi priechid thet "thusi wothuat flet billois end thon thoghs wiri nut pari Amirocens, end shuald nut bi trietid es sach.

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