Problems Facing ESOL Students and How the Teacher Can Address These Issues

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An analyse of the problems facing ESOL students in the area of reading and how the teacher can address these issues.

1.1 vocabulary is a fundamental aspect of a reading comprehension. According to Payne and Whittaker (2006, p.96) explains, comprehension skill is the basic of academic task which possible to be the important approach to collect information.

Having a range of vocabulary is very important that may help the learners to understand the text, according to,Shieh and Freiermuth (March -2010,p.111) researchers have that" a learner's vocabulary knowledge can be correlated predictable to performance of reading comprehension task" and could lead to develop their capability of guessing the meaning of the words from the context. The students who read regularly have higher rate of vocabulary knowledge than the others who almost do not read.

Reading comprehension is the significant of the skills. According to Crystal and Johnson (2003, p.6) believes “as skill reading is one of the most important”. Most second language learners face difficulties in the reading skills. Firstly, some of the learners could not understand the text because the students have limited range of vocabulary due to this fact the learners do not know how to use the strategies of reading. The teacher might help the learner during a guessing activity which encourage students attempt to know the meaning of difficult words related to the text, which is more sufficient. According to Hedge a (2008) indicates, by civilizing the process of guessing the meaning of the words from the text that is could help the learners to build up the abilities of guessing the meaning. but KERR has contradicted that (20 09, p..6), the learners must not using the processing of the guessing the meaning of unknown words form the text because they do not want to. Also using dictionaries provide the students with some information. According to Harmer (2004,p.172) proposes, using

dictionaries by the learners is helpful to collect data. This enables the learners to know how the language of the vocabulary has been structured. Nuttall has (2000,) argued that “it is wasteful to look up every new word because many of students use dictionary far too much”. Regardless of this point of view, dictionary is considered to be a great aid for students to know how each word related to each other and figure out the part of speech for any words

1.2 Secondly, learners have another problem with words which have different sets of the meaning.

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