An Analysis of Pro-Choice and Pro-Life Arguements

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Abortion is a controversial issue that is not easily handled in the world today. While some people, usually conservatives (also known as Pro-Life advocates), view abortion as wrong, others tend to feel that abortion should be up to the woman in that situation; these people are usually liberalists (also known as Pro-Choice advocates). While Pro-Life and Pro-Choice are two different views on the same point, several issues separate these two sides: the goals of each agenda, the side effects of accomplishing these goals, and the moral standards supporting each side. Pro-Life supporters have a moral background mostly affected by biblical influences. These supports also rely on science to help back their claims. One of the commandments given by God is “thou shall not kill”. Conservatives believe that life starts at conception, which is backed by science. The moment that the two reproductive cells meet, life begins. So by this definition, when an abortion is performed, doctors are taking the life of a baby human being. Conservatives believe that this action should be punishable by law. Liberalists, on the other hand, want to keep abortion a legal and regulated process. The moral standard of the Pro-Choice agenda is characterized by the legal definition of life, and circumstantial “what if” scenarios. By law, the start of life is effective when the child takes its first breath. Since abortions are usually performed in the 1st and 2nd trimesters, the child has not began living yet, meaning that the life of a human being has not been taken. Also, liberalists tend to use the example of the rape victim being inseminated. In this case, the moral option would be to keep this woman from having to raise a child whose father she wishes was eithe... ... middle of paper ... ...ons? The whole idea of premarital sex being bad is that these girls could get pregnant and ruin their whole lives. With that out of the equation, there is really no fear of having unprotected sex as a teenager. A girl can just go to a clinic, get an abortion and head back home like nothing ever happened. Either way, Pro-Life and Pro-Choice both offer significant downfalls. All in all, abortion is a tough subject to be tackled by today’s standards. With two very different groups representing each side of the spectrum, the oppositions are clear. The most important issues that these two sides disagree on are the moral standards of each group, the goals hoped to be achieved, and the side effects of achieving these goals. Though making a decision on abortion can be tough for Congress, I am hopeful that someday humanity will figure this whole complicated issue out.

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