Americas’ Flannery O’Connor

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Flannery O’Connor was born on March 5, 1925 in Savannah Georgia to Edward Francis and Regina (Cline) O’Connor. Flannery O’Conner’s parents were pioneers, and were devout Catholics. She subsequently moved with her family to Milledgeville, Georgia when she was 12 years old where she attended Peabody High School. In 1945, she graduated from Georgia State College for Women, and in 1948 absorbed creative writing at The University of Iowa. (CHENEY)

Flannery O’Connor was a very prolific writer at a time when the establishment denied women and minorities’ rights and civil Liberties. She managed to project a sense of correlation with her readers expanding her writing light-years beyond her time, but she was the archetypal woman writer of her time, and remained a steadfast boulder while crashing waves of criticism crashed into her unwavering.

Although her first decade proved tumultuous and restive, she eventually won acclaim in both the United States and overseas, catapulted to the pinnacle of the writers’ scene, and won much recognition. (clark)

Flannery O’Connor hails praise for her short stories rather than the well-known novel fostered during her time, and captivated her readers by writing short but complex plot variations that keep most readers on the edge of their seat and unable to put the piece down once engaged. The fruitful writer invokes a reluctance to write from within the mind of black characters and other people of color because she grew up white, and although she can write from a Catholic white Southern woman’s’ perspective about them, she is thwarted from first person narrator writing in the realm of living the life within her writing. This might be because of the appearance negative criticism she knows will suggest...

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...annery O’Connor’s death many acclaimed writer’s and critics alike have expressed awe and homage for our”Great American Writer” Flannery O’Connor!

Works Cited

CHENEY, B. "O'Connor, Mary Flannery. "New Catholic Encyclopedia. 2nd ed. Vol. 10. Gale 2003. 547. 11 February 2011. 21 February 2011 .

clark, Beverly Lyon. University of Georgia Press. 1989. 2 February 2011 .

GIOIA, DANA/ X.J. KENNEDY. LITERATURE An Introduction To fiction, Poetry, Drama, And Writing. 5th Edition. New York et al: PEARSON/ Longman, 2007.

McGill, Robert. Flannery O'Connor. 7 August 2002. 14 February 2011 .

Pridmore, Jan. Literary 16 May 1998. 19 February 2011 .

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