The Lion: The King Of The Lion

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The Lion has long been considered the embodiment of the term “alpha male” in the animal kingdom. For thousands of years in human culture, the lion has been considered a truly iconic animal with strong associations to dominance and strength. Expressions such as “the lion’s share” and “lion-hearted” have become part of our daily vernacular and convey some level of power. Looking back in history to the time of Egyptian Pharaohs, the bodies of the sphinxes were constructed in a way that resembles a lion. Stone lions are commonly built and overlook things such as castles and battlefields as a symbol of protection and strength. Because of its intimidating size and ferocious appearance it has given the moniker of “The King of the Jungle”. Lions belong to the Panthera Leo species and belongs to the Felidae family and Pantherinae subfamily (Grzimek, 2004). Lions are also considered one of the “Big Four Cats” in the Panthera genus and are considered second in size and length only to the Tiger (Grzimek, 2004).
Physical Characteristics
Lions can grow between 62-100 inches (5-8 feet) long and ca...

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