The American- Spanish War of 1800

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Many causes originated the Spanish-American War in the late 1800.The main causes of the war were the economic interests of the United States in the sugar industry in Cuba, the rebellion against Spain and the actions taken for Coronel Weyler, promoted war by yellow journalism and the sinking of the U.S. battleship Maine. This was an immensely popular war with the American people, for the first time men from north and south fought side by side for a common cause. The war lasted only four months but over 4,000 deaths most for disease that resulted in a victory over the great Spanish Empire.
By the 1890s, Spain had lost all its New World colonies. The islands of Puerto Rico and Cuba were all the remained of the Spain possessions in America, and the Philippines, in the Pacific. Spain once ruled a great global empire. As civil wars opposed Spanish authority, many colonies broke free.(Cambell,1958).Rebellion in Cuba against Spanish rule has been through many years but with no liberation. For the first years of the rebellion, the United Stated maintained a formal neutrality, but many factors caused the American intervention and fight with Span in this “Splendid Little War”.
The island of Cuba was under government ruled by officials from Spain, and many Cubans did not wish be there. They fled to Florida and other parts of the United States. Spain disregarded the complaints and demands of Cubans. Spanish rule was inefficient and corrupt and for these reasons was expensive. The most serious rebellion last for 10 years where the Cubans demands never resolve. Spain failed to keep it and it was a cause of a new rebellion in 1895 (Campbell, 1958) The new leader was Jose Marti, a Cuban writer living in New York, who come to Tampa and other commun...

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...claration of war against the United States.
The United States and Cuban rebels pursued the same objective, detached to the island of the Spanish Empire. In the United States the causes were economic because the business invested in the island, political for the American government got involved with negotiations in the Caribbean and the Pacific and humanitarian because the Spanish rule was repressive and the bad situation of Cubans.
Many factors involved the United States intervention in Cuba, in less of 100 days the war ended. Later that year representatives of both governments signed the Treaty of Pace in Paris. Spain renounced its rights to Cuba, gave Cuban Independence, ceded Puerto Rico and the island of Guam to the U.S., liquidated its possessions in the West Indies and sold the Philippines to the U.S. for $ 20,000,000.
The United Stated Becomes a World Power.

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