American Presidents Should Always Empathize With Their People

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American culture is an important element in the decision-making process of any United States President. They know that their decisions will never be fully supported, as there will always be those that oppose them, so Presidents should think from the perspective of the American people to secure the most support possible. This strategy was especially evident during the Cold War, when presidents were dealing with many issues like the Vietnam War to how to handle inner communist threats. These decisions would have been more popular if the President had thought about what the American people really wanted, and how they would react to his choices.When making decisions, especially those which seem controversial, the President should take American culture into consideration in order to ensure the support of the American people. Joseph McCarthy’s creation of the second Red Scare was an example of when someone in the Government thought about the culture and tone of the Unites States when making a decision. Although his decision was not used for good, McCarthy thought carefully about what would capture America’s attention in order to increase his political status. In 1950, during a speech, McCarthy presented a list of what presumably contained 205 names of U.S. State Department employees who were known “card-carrying communists”. He “managed to stay ahead of his critics by making new charges instead of admitting that he had fabricated old ones” ( McCarthy). McCarthy was smart with his timing; he knew that announcing his list in the midst of a nation-wide anti-communism hysteria would be beneficial in that it would make more Americans believe he was telling the truth. Americans were all in favor of eradicating communist threats; especiall... ... middle of paper ... ...m/ Search/ Display/ 254564?terms=kent+state+report>. “Kent State Report.” ABC-CLIO American History. N.p., n.d. Web. 8 Feb. 2011. . Kuhn, David Paul. “Dems Wrong War: Health Care Amid Job Crisis.” Real Clear Politics. N.p., 18 Mar. 2010. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . “Obama Pushes for Health Care While Americans Worry About Jobs.” Fox News. N.p., 7 Mar. 2010. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. . Ruiz, Rebecca. “What Obama’s Health Care Plan Means For You.” Forbes. N.p., 2011. Web. 10 Feb. 2011. .

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