The American Life in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain

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In the “The adventures of Tom Sawyer” a novel by Mark Twain, portrays a small-town American life. The town is pictured as idyllic due to its overall simplicity with the life of the inhabitants of the town St. Petersburg. The town also depicts what on average is life in the area and brings senses of distinct nostalgia to the reader of their childhood or of their parents. Some might view this story and not agree with the subject due to not finding it idyllic or just plain out thinking it’s a gross exaggeration of life in the south, and an insult of how life in the south of the time was backwards and poor. Even though these are rational points I’ll disagree, the story is an excellent portrayal of the era, after all this is a firsthand depiction of how individuals behaved in that time and views differ from individuals and what you might find offensive others may not. The overall simplicity of life in St. Petersburg is present throughout the novel and elaborated quite a lot. Life was innocent and simple in the time and very diverse due to it being the south for example, “White, mul...

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