American Evangelicalism

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This paper will cover the topic of American Evangelicalism addressing the Twentieth Century ideologies. While viewing how Christianity interacted with the terms of the activities of evangelicals and the ecumenical movement. This paper will also cover how Christianity interacted with the terms of the activities of the Vatican II, religion, and politics and the global aspect of Christianity.

It was in the year of 1942 in St. Louis Missouri when a group of nationally known leaders came together and formed what would be known as the National Association of Evangelicals. This was an organization with members of all denominations and churches. This organization would affirm the doctrinal statement and commit to aiding the purpose of the organization. The key concern was to steer down the middle between fundamentalism on one hand and liberalism in the other, neither of which, in their minds, represented historic Christianity. Younger fundamentalist had become uncomfortable with the radical separatism of the movement; they felt that their social concerns could no longer be ignored. It was the birth of a new movement: evangelicalism. The term evangelical or evangelism dates from the sixteenth century, and was then used to refer to Catholic writers wishing to revert to more biblical beliefs and practices than those associated with the late medieval (middle age) church (McGrath 2007). This term blossomed especially in the 1520s when the French and the Germans came prominently in the polemical writings of the early Reformation. The term is now used widely to refer to trans-denominational trend in theology and spirituality, which lays particular emphasis upon the place of the scripture in the life of Christianity.

Moving into the twentieth...

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...and million inhabitants of our planet. After World War II vigorous new Christian leadership emerged in the Third World, offering fresh hope for a new day for old faith. Only time will tell. Christian can hope because faith always reaches beyond earthly circumstances. The Christian confidence is in a person, the Jewish Messiah of the believing remnant, the Wisdom of the Greek apologist, the Cosmic King, The Ruler of the World. Jesus is the model of true Evangelism.

Works Cited

McGrath A.E. (2007). Christian Theology An Introduction Fourth Edition. Malden, MA. Blackwell Publishing Co.

Shelley B.L. (2008). Third Edition Church History in Plain Language. Nashville TN: Thomas Nelson, Inc.

Knight, K. (2009) New Advent Catholic Encyclopedia.

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