All Saint’s Orthodox Church Field Research

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When the class was assigned the field research, I contemplated for days as to what new religion I would like to learn more about. I changed my mind twice along the way before I decided that the All Saints Orthodox Church was the site that I was truly interested in. I grew up Christian, and for the longest time knew only of the denomination in which my family and I practiced. I could not tell someone the difference between Methodist and Roman Catholic, or any other denomination for that matter. It was this that sparked my interest in learning about the Orthodox Church. I wanted to broaden my knowledge on Christianity and the denominations that surround it. The opportunity to research the Orthodox Church allowed me to learn about, what to expect during the site visit, themes of the church, rituals, as well as other important information that cannot be limited to a book.

After reading How to be a Perfect Stranger: A Guide to Etiquette in Other People’s Religious Ceremonies, I learned more about the Orthodox church and knew what to expect on my visit. The Orthodox Church is considered to be the Eastern half of the Christian church ("Orthodox Churches" 228). I expected the church to be surrounded with icons, which are “two dimensional artistic images of saints or of events in the life of Christ” (“Orthodox Churches" 232). In addition I knew that guests should not participate in Holy Communion. Guests are not advised to take Holy Communion because it is a time when the people of the church show their faith. I will, as well expect to arrive early for the service and stand during the ceremony. The overall purpose of “worship and theology is mystical union with God” ("Orthodox Churches" 231). In order to unite with God the priest or bi...

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..., themes of the church, rituals, and information that could not be found in a book. I would, however, like to learn more about the Orthodox Church. If I were to continue my research on the Orthodox religion, I would enjoy learning more about the saints in which are honored during the service. I would also ask questions about background of people who attend the church and the architecture of the church. Finally I would like to expand my knowledge on the subjects I have already learned through this research.

Works Cited

"Orthodox Churches." How to Be a Perfect Stranger: The Essential Religious Etiquette Handbook. 3rd ed.

Woodstock, VT: Skylight Paths, 2003. Print.

Sorensen, Nicholas Fr. Personal interview. 27 Feb. 2011.

On Common Ground: World Religions in America. 3rd ed. Eck and the Pluralism Project at Harvard

University, 2008. CD-ROM.

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