Alfie's Life

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Alfie dashed along the narrow tunnel, holding his flame lit torch nervously in front of him, the flame flickering Jessie close behind him trying to keep up with his fast stride. He took a deep breath to calm him; the chilling stench of damp earth filled his nostrils wafting back and forth in the murky air. He was wearing a thin white cotton t-shirt and shorts, his body betraying him, reminding him that the underground wilderness held no heat. He shivered; the hairs on his limbs standing up like tiny soldiers.

“Wait Alfie, you’re going to fast!” shouted Jessie sharply, her arms flailing behind her. “Please Alfie, wait for me?”

“ Okay, but it’s not like we have any time to spare, they’re after us Jessie, I know it, I can feel it in the air, come on!” Alfie said desperately, not wanting to let go of a second of time.

The torch illuminated the hundreds of symbols scattered across the mud wall that were carved in precisely in the language of their people. Beyond the rays of light from his torch was an everlasting blackness; it loomed eerily waiting to be graced with light. The darkness was never kind to him, so he was thankful for the torch he had; others before them were never as lucky. To his amazement, Alfie had not come across a demon or beast in the hour he and his sister had be been wandering the passages. All sorts of creatures emerged at unpredictable points in time, presenting themselves to the people. He was beginning to wonder if it was the heat radiating from his torch that was repelling them; demons were cold creatures only showing themselves in the most hostile conditions, warmth was their sworn enemy, which was why the passages were the perfect environment for them to thrive, the foreboding arches towering over the ...

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...d brag about how life was wonderful, I wouldn't be able to, Alfie’s life ended just as it was starting, he was not even given much of a chance to live it; i am left in a decline into nothingness-I am empty. No peace, the pain and suffering have left me unable to switch off from our world we had, me and you the world we carefully created. We had carefully carved messages and symbols in to the walls using our own language, no-one would ever understand or interpret it expect you and I but it helped us to escape the bitterness of reality. With each passing moment I cannot stop thinking about you and missing you; the pain feels like icy fingers around my heart, scraping away all the happiness I had in my life. The attempts to block out this ache have been in pointless because I cannot and will not stop thinking about you and that day. Why were you taken and not I?

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