Albert Einstein's Life And Accomplishments

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“Arrows of hate have been shot at me too; but they never hit me,...” - Albert Einstein (Later Years 5). Albert Einstein introduced the equation of relativity, E=mc2 in 1905 and it has been added into our history books since. The equation of relativity is energy equals mass multiplied by the speed of light squared. This equation means that mass and energy can be converted to one another. The equation of relativity gained Albert Einstein a lot of recognition. This acknowledgement was both of admiration and hatred. He was named “Person of the Century” in Time Magazine in 1999. In addition, Einsteins “foes” accused him of plagiarism. Nonetheless, due to Albert Einstein's research methods and his insight on mathematics and physics, he is a noticeable …show more content…

At a young age Albert did not show signs of being a prodigy. He learned to walk late and did not speak fluently until he was older. Pauline, his mother, influenced Einstein to play the violin. According to Jeremy Bernstein, Pauline played the piano and Albert started to take violin lessons at age six (13). When Einstein started secondary school, he started to have a problem with authority. Einsteins problem with authority reflects with his problems paying attention in class when the teacher is speaking. Raine states that Albert’s teachers said “ he could not be expected to make a success of anything,” (17). One of Albert’s uncles had taught him mathematics in this adolescent years. Albert grew a huge interest in geometry. He spent some time examining the pythagorean theorem and testing it with different shapes and forms of triangles. In his middle school years, he also started to show an interest in physics and …show more content…

His fourth, and most important paper was written in 1905 and discusses how mass and energy have an equivalence to each other. Thus, discussing the formula, E=mc2 , in his fourth paper. There are two different forms of relativity, special relativity and general relativity. The equations of relativity can be used in many different forms. With relativity an estimation on gravitational waves and black holes can be made. 1905 was a big year for Einstein. His formula had gotten him instant fame. Einstein's formula for relativity simply states that an object that is in motion becomes more

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