Albert Bandura vs Raymond Cattell

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Cattell was born in a small town in England. After seeing the deaths, and suffering of the people and soldiers in World War I, Cattell began to have a huge curiosity in trying to fix the problems people have in their lives by using science. Cattell was very big on personality, his definition of Personality is” that which permits a prediction of what a person will do in a given situation”(Cattell). Cattells definition of personality is very different from other theorist. Freud is a great example; Freud’s theory was that personality had three different types the id, the ego, and the super-ego. A person that has a strong personality can handle whatever happens to them and no matter how tough the challenge is for them because they are so strong personality wise it does not affect them at all. Cattell on the other hand was concerned with the power to predict things that would happen in the future, in which predicting is a lot more difficult to do then to explain something that has happened then to predict something that will happen. Cattell biggest tool was factor analysis. Cattell would gather huge amounts of data from individuals. Factor analysis lets researchers get conclusions on personality research. Basically using Factor analysis lets researchers find different types of answers for the way a person is personality wise. For some reason I don’t really like Cattell’s way of finding the way a person’s personality is. I don’t like it because I feel like he is trying to make it seem like its more nature then anything else when I think that it is more nurture. Cattell used sixteen basic source traits. These traits as an assessment test called 16PF that we took in class. This exam allows for the researcher to discover the source traits ... ... middle of paper ... ...e. I do not think that I would be influenced so easily into doing something like this in my life but definitely seeing this film definitely opened my eyes, to a whole another level I was just in shock and honestly really happy that, if these people believe in themselves that they can do such great things then I can do those things just as much as they can. I am glad I was able to watch this movie and understand my self and the way that Vikrams followers were able to be so loyal, and respect him just because he was being so real and upfront with them. Kumare did change many of those people’s lives and I think it might have even changed mine I am glad I was able to see this film and I was able to learn that I can do anything if I believe I can do it. Works Cited Engler, B. (2014).Personality theories : an introduction Belmont, Calif, Wadsworth Cengage Learning.

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