Air/Aviation Law an Expanding Field of Study in India

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Air /Aviation Law is an expanding field of study in India, which primarily consists of rules and legislations formulated on the lines of the International Treaties and Conventions, to which India is a party.

The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), of which India is a member , allows for its member nations to have the prerogative of making their own laws and rules, which then have to be notified by them in ICAO’s Aeronautical Information Publication . This publication also has to provide for the information on the differences made in the national legislations with respect to the International Conventions/Treaties .

This paper critically analyses the Aviation laws prevailing in India in the light of the changing India Aviation Policy and International Aviation Regime .

Before delving into the specificities of the Legislations, it is important to understand the Indian Aviation Policy in this regard, as implemented by the Government of India.

The Civil Aviation Sector is given significant importance in India as it contributes significantly to the process of development of the country with as a result of enhanced productivity and efficiency in the movement of goods and services by providing access to safe, secure and affordable Air services and world class infrastructure facilities . Further, the vast geographical expanse and terrain of India makes air transport a necessity and not a luxury service as it is the fastest and safest mode of transport for relatively long distance .

Therefore India’s Civil Aviation Policy tries to address the discrepancies in the existing rules/acts within the Civil Aviation sector thereby aiming to remove the scope for different interpretations and instill cohesiveness in the implementat...

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...ENVIRONMENT (June 2011).

Supra note 39; See also S. V. Kibe, Indian plan for satellite-based navigation systems for Civil Aviation, Vol. 84, 11 CURRENT SCIENCE 1405-1411 (2003); Sisodia, A.K., Hota, J.K., Vora, N.J., Siddiqui, A., Sanandiya, H.C., Bera, S.C., Indian Plan for Satellite-Based Navigation Systems for Civil Aviation : Proceedings of the 16th International Technical Meeting of the Satellite Division of The Institute of Navigation, Portland, OR , p. 2795-2811 (2003).

See generally, European Joint Aviation Authorities, Introduction, available at

See generally, Federal Aviation Administration, USA, available at

See C.N. SHAWCROSS & K.M. BEAUMONT, AIR LAW , Chapter VI, X, XI (Butterworth and Co. Ltd.,1945); See also Grein v Imperial Airways Ltd, 1 KB 50 303 [1937]

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