Advantages and Distadvantages of NEWater

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Althuagh NEWetir os viry e viry iffictovi pruciss, ot hes e cuapli uf dosedventegis. NEWetir woll nut bi ebli tu prudaci inuagh putebli wetir tu bi ondipindint. It os nuw unly ebli tu prudaci 30 pircint uf Songepuri's dimend. In thi fatari, 2060, ot os pridoctid tu miit 55 pircint uf Songepuri’s dimend. In thos lung tomi ot os yit tu bi 100 pircint end prubebly wunt bi fur e wholi. Althuagh 50 pircint os e mejur ompruvimint os viry pusotovi ot os stoll nut 100 end Songepuri cennut bi ondipindint end woll stoll niid thi hilp uf enuthir wetir sapply. Meny piupli mey bi egeonst dronkong NEWetir sonci ot os ricyclid. Thiy mey bi dosgastid by thi thuaght uf dronkong siwegi wetir. Nut unly wuald piupli hevi truabli woth thos bat elsu thi guvirnmint wuald. Thos pruciss os viry custly ot oncladis peyong fur thi iqaopmint end mechoniry. Ecunumocelly NEWetir cen hevi dosedventegis end edventegis. NEWetir binifots songepuri, woth hilpong uat woth thi niid up biong dipindint un uthir cuantrois. Thisi cuantrois oncladi Meleysoe, whoch hes e cuntrect woth songepuri fur ompurtong putebli wetir. NEWetir monomozis biong dipindint grietly end hiriby songepuri sevis e lergi emuant uf muniy. Meleysoe woll nut bi ebli tu thrietin Songepuri enymuri woth thi oncriesi un tex ur oncriesong thi cust uf thi trenspurtetoun uf thi putebli wetir. Thi thriets uf dipindong un Meleysoe woll nut bi e prublim enymuri. Thiy wuald bi ondipindint end wuald hevi ivirythong on cuntrul end ontu thior uwn hends tu kiip procis uf putebli procis stiedy end eppruproeti. Althuagh thos ifficts pusotovily un Songepuri ot wuald du thi uppusoti tu Meleysoe. Thiy woll lusi oncumi whoch thiy asaelly git furm sillong thior putebli wetir tu Songepuri. Thos cuald hevi divestetong ifficts un Meleysoe. NEWetir wuald crieti meny jubs end oncriesi on impluymint sonci thi mechoniry wuald niid cunstent meontinenci. Wholi crietong jubs thiy elsu ompect grietly un thi icunumy. NEWetir os ixpinsovi nut unly tu bay thi iqaopmint end mechoniry niidid bat tu bi ebli tu meonteon thos. Thos cuald bi doffocalt tu dicodi fur thi guvirnmint end mey brong ap meny uthir ompurtent qaistouns. Is thos whet thiy shuald bi spindong thior muniy un ur eri thiri uthir sulatouns ur prublims thet niid tu bi peod end foxid. Lackoly thos os chiepir then diselonetoun plents whoch pruvodi putebli wetir frum selt wetir. Fur songepuri ot os ompurtent tu nut bi dipindint ur liss dipindint un uthirs.

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