Advantages and Disadvantages of Synthetic and Natural Fibers

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Synthetic and natural fibers are the most essential part in clothes manufacturing. They make up the clothing we wear everyday. Fibers are made up of polymers, which are an arrangement of large molecules that are then made up of groups of even smaller molecules that are linked together to form a large chain structure. The smaller molecules are called monomers, and when they join together larger molecules are produced, making macromolecules (Bailey). Synthetic fibers are made up of polymers giving them more unique abilities while still being an affordable alternative to natural fabrics. However, natural fabrics are more luxurious than synthetic. There are many other characteristics that each fiber has, both positive and negative. Which fiber is has the most advantages, synthetic or natural fibers?

Synthetic fibers are man-made from chemical processes or altered natural fibers. They most often start out as a chemical made from coal, oil or natural gas. The compound is then ran through a device with small holes in it called a spinneret. (Troøyen, Fabrics for Dummies: Synthetic Fibers). The solution then evaporates and creates the fiber. Nylon was the world’s first synthetic fiber that was created from only chemicals. It had many advantages such as being durable and lightweight, much better than natural fibers and a substitute for wool (1910s Synthetic Textile Fibers ) . “Nylon was made after several years of research at the DuPont company. Inside, it was simply called fibre 66, but they wanted a trade name. The first suggestion was Duparooh, short for 'DuPont pulls a rabbit out of hat'! But after 400 names were suggested, nylon was finally chosen” (How Are Synthetic Fibers Made?). The first company to produce synthetic fabrics...

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...rkers and the environment. The fabrics do not decay like natural fibres so they create waste and are not good to put in landfills. Synthetic fibres don't allow for much air to pass through so this makes it may cause some discomfort when wearing it (Troøyen, Fabrics for Dummies: Synthetic Fibers).

In conclusion, natural and synthetic fibers both have advantages and disadvantages, however synthetic fabrics tend to be more energy efficient and less costly. Synthetic fabrics haven’t been around for too long, the first completely man-made fiber, Nylon, was only created in the 1930’s. Although they haven’t been around for more than 100 years, synthetics already have more advantages than natural fibers which we have been using for years. There are still things to be discovered about synthetic fibers that can cause them to become even more similar to natural fibers.

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