The Advantages and Disadvantages of Political Stimulation

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Political stimulation gives us the opportunity as students to learn a lot of things; for instance, the roots and the past of each and every party; what is each party ideology, believes and what are the different categories of people it's addressing and representing. Furthermore, it gives us as students the opportunity to understand a lot of the main political concepts and terminologies; it also gives the students the chance to participate somehow in the political world even if it's not a real representation. One of the advantages of the stimulation is the fact that it has the promise opportunities within the course of the game; which gives more credibility to the party and make the voters feel more attached to the this political entity. For example, if we are talking about the fundamentalist party and the promise of school prayers; such a promise that support the ideology of the people they are supposedly representing made them have more voters and trustworthiness. Another advantage is the scandal cards which gives somehow a real representation of what might occur in the real...

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