Adolescent Writers in Second Language Situations

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Mark O. James studied whether L2 students were preoccupied with surface error correction during the process of generating texts and whether this regular interruption in composition resulted in poorer writing quality. He also wanted to know whether the L2 perceptions of their behaviours accurately reflected observed behaviours and if there were significant differences in fluency of composition between Polynesian and Chinese students. The data was collected by using a behavioural protocol analysis: asking for a rough draft outline of the essay, as well as recording students writing their essays. They then coded on a timeline each time the students paused to think, were distracted, wrote, re-scanned portions of the essay, re-read the entire essay, or revised the text. The students were asked to answer a questionnaire, that was developed specifically for the study, by placing an “X” under the descriptor that best described them or their opinion: “always”, “often”, “sometimes”, “never”, i.e. “I waste too much time before I start writing”. The questionnaire had 25 questions to see the various aspects of the students perceived composing behaviour and attitudes about composition (only 9 were analyzed for information to see if the subjects perception matched their observed behaviours) . In addition, the essays were rated by two trained raters, the scores allow for the analysis of the relationship between composition and writing proficiency. Participants were 8 students of Polynesian and Chinese ethnicity (4 of each, 7 were female with only 1 Chinese male) at an English language institute in Hawaii. The students were not aware of who was being observed, they were approached to answer the questionnaire and return it the next day. Their essa...

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... 4th 2011.

Fra´quiz, Marý´a E. , Cinthia S. Salinas. "Newcomers developing English literacy through historical thinking and digitized primary sources ." ScienceDirect. Journal of Second Language Writing 20, (2011) 182–195. PDF. October 4th 2011.

James, Mark O.. "L2 Writing Fluency: A Pilot Study." Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, March 3-7, 1992. PDF. October 6th 2011.

Kibler, Amanda. "How Teachers and Adolescent L2 Writers Describe Content Area Writing." ScienceDirect. Journal of Second Language Writing 20, (2011) 182–195. PDF. October 6th 2011.

Majid, Abdul Hameed Abdul, Siti Hamin Stapa. "The Use of First Language in Developing Ideas in Second Language Writing." ScienceDirect. Journal of Second Language Writing 20, (2011) 182–195. PDF. October 6th 2011.

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