Adoescent Relationships and Behavior Behind Portrait

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In A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man by James Joyce, Stephen Dedalus, reacts towards his parents the same as many typical modern-day adolescents and adolescents of the early 1900s. Stephen's attitude and feelings towards his parents change throughout the course of this book. His feelings change in a pattern similar to one of typical adolescents. Adolescent attitudes have not changed much throughout the years. Adolescents change physically and emotionally during the early years of their life. The activities the adolescents do may have changed but the intentions behind those acts have not. Adolescents have rebelled for a long time back when Socrates was still alive. During the time of adolescence, the adolescent goes through many changes that causes strains and changes in their family's relationship.

In the article, Joyce and His First Self-Portrait by James T. Farrell, Farrell states “no clear and full picture of Stephen's relationship with his mother is described.”(3) I believe this statement could be true and false. It could be true on the grounds of no definite feelings described in the book from Stephen. There is also no change of feelings throughout the course of Stephen's adolescence that are mentioned. Only three events in the book mentions a relationship between Stephen and his mother. The first instance is when Stephen is teased by Wells and the other older boys about the subject of kissing his mother. Wells asks Stephen, “do you kiss your mother before you go to bed?” This opens up the topic over whether he should kiss his mother or should he not. The other boys laugh at Stephen's confusion while he ponders this thought. (Joyce,6) During the Christmas dinner, there is no direct reference to a relationship between...

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... today. Since Stephen does go through adolescence he presents the characteristic of rebellion which causes a strain on his relationship with his parents. Stephen relationship with his parents changes as he grows up. The reason for this change is the result of Stephen cognitive capacity changing from going through adolescence. He decides he wants to be independent from his parents and wants to make his own decisions like many adolescents of his own age. Stephen goes through many obstacles in the book. At the end, he decides to leave his life in Ireland and move on to live his own life and make his own decisions. He makes his decision to begin his life as an adult. The events mentioned in the book is the bridge Stephen crosses to reach adulthood. Unfortunately on the way, his relationship with parents changed for the worse and he does not want to reconcile with them.

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