Global Temperature and Adaptation

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The global temperature fluctuates which causes changes in the environment. The environment changes all the time. Organisms have to either adjust to the changes or die out. This adjustment is called adaption. What is adaptation, what are the different kinds of adaptation, and what is phenotypic plasticity?

When a line of creatures, over generations, change their genes so that they have a better chance of surviving in their environment and reproducing, the creatures are adapting. Evolution is the term for when so many adaptations have taken place that the creature that began the cycle is so different from its progeny that it would be incapable of reproducing with it (Wilreker, 2). The definition of adaptation is “a shift in gene frequencies as a consequence of natural selection” (Wilreker, 2). When speaking of a specific change in a creature, it would be called and adaptation (Wilreker, 2). There are several mechanisms for adaptation (Wilreker, 3). One mechanism is natural selection (Wilreker,3-6). Natural selection is the idea that, in nature, some members of a species are better suited to surviving in their environment than others (Wilreker, 4-6). The creatures may have some gene that helps make even a small change in them that makes them more likely to survive. Since they were able to outperform others of their species in some way, and thus survive when others may have died, they are able to pass on their genes to the next generation (Wilreker, 4-6). If the offspring with this new trait are also successful, then they too will pass down the gene, while the offspring without the trait that helps the animals to survive will eventually be killed off and their genes will be removed from the gene pool over the course of generations ...

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... adaptation (Wilreker, 11-14). When it gets hot, a dog may shed some of its fur, and when it is colder the dog’s fur may get thicker. This is phenotypic plasticity, the dog is changing the expression of its genes without changing the actual genes and this makes it biological adaptation.

Adaptation is when an organism, over generations, has changed its genes to comply with the demands of the environment. The two types of adaptation are cultural and biological (Wilreker, 13-14). Phenotypic plasticity is how flexible the phenotype of a creature is without changing its genes (Wilreker, 11). Adaptation, in all its myriad of forms is an indispensible part of evolution.

Works Cited

Scarre, Chris. The Human Past. 2nd Edition. London: Thames and Hudson LTD, 2009. Print.

Wilreker, Benjamin. Adaptation, Primatology, & Human Ancestors. N/A: N/A, N/A. Power Point. Web.

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