Acuate Renal Failure Questionnaire

967 Words2 Pages

Acute Renal Failure


Almost every organ in the human body serves an important role. One key organ for the urinary system is the kidneys. The kidneys main function is to filter out the blood that is going throughout each system, as well maintaining correct fluid levels for the body. The kidneys also regulate blood volume, blood pressure, blood pH, and produces the hormones erythropoietin (important for the production of red blood cells) and vitamin D (the sunshine drug for maintaining healthy bones). The normal human body has two brown, fist size kidneys. Some people only have one kidney and can still live normal healthy lives with just one. When your kidneys fail to remove waste and balance fluids and electrolytes, this is when the kidneys begin to fail.

1. Explain the pathophysiology of acute renal failure. Include prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal causes.

Acute renal failure is the diagnoses when the kidneys begin to shut down and not perform its function. The pathophysiology of acute renal failure is organized into three different risk factors: Prerenal, intrarenal, and postrenal causes. Prerenal causes includes septic shock, hemorrhage, dehydration, cardiac dysrhythmia, anaphylaxis, and embolisms. Prerenal risk factors can end in ischemia and hypoperfusion, both meaning not enough blood supply to an organ. The second cause is intrarenal which is due to direct damage to the tissue in the kidney. Some causes in the intrarenal stage are antibiotics, NSAIDS, and glomerulonephritis. The third risk factor is postrenal causes. Some of these risk factors are from renal calculi (kidney stones), urinary tract obstructions, and spinal cord disease. Postrenal factors cause the most kidney damage.


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...ia which will help lower potassium levels if they are high.

6. What are the short term nursing goals and long term nursing goals for a client with acute renal failure? Short and long term goals

A nursing care plan for one with acute renal failure has short and long term goals. Some short term goals are to manage blood pressure, create a specialized diet plan that is high in carbohydrates and moderate fat, maintain proper weight by checking daily weight, and making sure the patient is compliant with all the medications. Some long term goals to achieve with acute renal failure are to maintain homeostasis and control and prevent future complications. A nurse can provide emotional and physical support to a patient with acute renal failure. They can also teach the patient about ways to prevent certain complications and prolong ones life with healthier mechanisms.

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