Acting Versus Lying Essay

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Acting versus lying essay

From the start of life we are taught not to lie. As life progresses we learn that honesty may not be the best policy. That is, if getting ahead in life is important. This idea is taught in many ways, one is by acting. Every time an actor/actress is on a set they portray a different character this is evidence that lying is fine as long as it is acting. Movies and plays support that maybe lying is not always bad. The thing is are the different or are they the same? Are we acting when we are lying? Or are we lying when we are acting?

Lying is something that happens on a regular basis. Lying may be as common as a second nature to us. When caught in the act of lying we may try to cover it up. Either changing the whole story or using words that let others know that it was only for play or how sorry we are. On the other hand acting is done just as often as lying. The only difference is actors often do not make up their own lies in movies or plays. They have someone else do it. When the actor/actress is not believable they do not just pretend that they did not say it. This is when the script is changed to make it more believable.

When a person is lying there is often a sequence that is followed. They will start off with little “white lies” to see how much they can get away with. The more that they get away with, then the more in depth the lies will get. People tend to become very good at telling a lie. Making it hard to tell which are true and what a flat out lie is. A story is how these lies become alive. As actors/actresses convey a story throughout a movie, this rarely has anything to do of how the actor/actress really is. Lies that you can see characters share with each other in a movie are lies within lies. They set up a story and make it as real as possible but often it is the furthest from the truth.

Feeling comes into play when lying. A good liar will know how their feelings should be brought in. when something is tough the occasional tear will appear. If they are not so good they will often be caught because of them trying to force feelings out.

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