Goal Settign and Achieving

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To effectively set goals for one’s self, as well as one’s followers, a thorough understanding is needed of what goal setting is: an effort directed toward a specific successful accomplishment. “Without well-constructed goals, your life is governed by whim or the urgency of the moment.” (Wilson & Dobson, 2008) Therefore, it is only by setting goals that a person, group, or organization can effectively accomplish its’ visions and be successful.

Leaders are usually in a position of assisting their employees with setting goals that will assist in attaining organizational goals. Effective leaders will explore each follower’s personal goals as a way of setting goals in the work-place, because when people can see a direct link between their personal goals and visions, and the organization’s goals and visions, they are personally interested in reaching those goals and visions. (Rohlander, 1998). Rohlander goes on to state “when individual performance is linked directly to organizational results, motivation is intense and self-initiated.” This same idea may also be referred to as “superordinate: (shared) goals. (Watson, 1983)

Once the organization’s goals have been identified by upper-management and it is time to relay the information down the chain of command, a leader may choose to state the goals “in their worst case form.” (Watson, 1983) In light of the fact that all people have an instinct to be successful (Oechsli, 2011), this will serve as a challenge to turn the worst case situation into a best case situation. This extra impetus will certainly ensure success of the organization’s goals as well as provide the employees with a strong sense of personal satisfaction and achievement. In a study performed on the effects of s...

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...om. Retrieved from Results.com: http://us.results.com/announcments/what-really-motivates-workers

Nicklin, J. M., & Williams, K. J. (2011). Self-Regulation of Goals and Perfomance: Effects of Discrepancy Feedback, Regulatory Focus, and Self-Efficacy. Psychology, 2(3), 187-200.

Oechsli, M. (2011, August). Finding the Personal Pattern of Success. regsitered Rep, 35(8), 76.

Robertson, R. (2011). Leadership and Fun in the Workplace. Magazine of the South African Institue of Civil Engineers, 19(5), 4-5.

Rohlander, D. G. (1998, September). Achieving Personal and Organizational Goals. Industrial Management, 30-31.

Watson, C. M. (1983, March-April). Leadership, Management, and the Seven Keys. Business Horizons, 8-13.

Wilson, S. B., & Dobson, M. S. (2008). Goal Setting How to Create an Action Plan and Acheive Your Goals. Nwe York City: American Management Association.

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