Academic Disciplines: Humanities

665 Words2 Pages

Humanities: The humanities are the academic disciplines that study the culture, using methods that are essentially critical, or speculative, and have an important historical element, unlike the empirical approaches mainly in the natural sciences. The humanities are those studies that are directly concerned with human values.
The definition of the singular form, humanity, refers to the fact of being "human" and is synonymous with civilization and educated. Human recognize and practice concepts such as "hospitality" and "justice" even if the precise definitions may vary at different times and places. The word also refers to a collective, the human race. Unlike the sciences, which are expressed through numbers and symbols, human values can be perceived, felt, and expressed in subtle and enduring ways.
Humanities consist of following:
• History
• Art
• Philosophy
• Literature
• Architecture
• Dance
• Film
2- ) When we studied the humanities we study the people, not only psychologically or biologically (although these fields do not fall within the once in a while). Mainly we are learning about how people in earlier ages or faraway places have created the world in which they lived, and how the world in which they lived the people they were.
It is not enough to teach man a specialty. Through it you can become a kind of machine, but not a harmony personality. It is essential that the student acquire an understanding and a lively atmosphere of values. You must learn to understand the motivations of the human beings, their illusions and their sufferings in order to acquire a proper relationship with others and to the community. You must acquire a vivid sense of what is beautiful and the morally good.
• The history of western civili...

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...ersial literary works.
During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, Europe has seen the development of the absolute monarchies and more highly centralized at the national level governments; many historians believe that the growth of the absolute monarchy as the origin of the modern state. Therefore, Europe the progressive erosion of power and of the local autonomy and the increase of the national legislation and the civilian bureaucracies.
Due to this growth in absolute terms and centralized power of the national government and the monarchy, this age of European history is generally known as Age of absolutism. The era of absolutism was this period of time in a form of monarchical power / governor had complete authority over the government and the life of the people. At the end of the middle Ages, feudalism declined. Power of the Rey Rosa in some parts of Europe.

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