Abuse of Power in La Misma Luna, and Enrique’s Journey

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In both the movie, La Misma Luna, and the newspaper series, Enrique’s Journey, there is a demonstration of abuse of power. Judicial policemen, immigration officers, and bandits all take part in hurting migrants in various ways. If a migrant is lucky enough to make it across the borders, then they will most certainly have physical and emotional scars. They also have their own story of survival to tell. One of the main messages sent relating to this topic is immigration officers, judicial policemen, and bandits abuse their authority by beating, robbing, and raping vulnerable immigrants in fragile situations. In the movie, La Misma Luna, immigration officers stormed a tomato picking workshop and asked everyone for their papers. They showed no warrant for being there, but assumed that all were illegal immigrants. When some of the workers saw what was happening, they ran and yelled a warning to everyone. The police saw that some were getting away so they used forceful action to keep who they could there. They grabbed people by the neck or by the shirt or whatever they could get a hold of; then they would throw them to the ground and brutally beat them with their police batons. In the police training handbook it describes the use of less than lethal force by saying, “The application of any less than lethal force or device should be managed and monitored in the same way as if that force could cause serious injury or death.” (http://www.justice.gov/archive/crs/pubs/pdexcess.pdf). In the situation presented in the movie, La Misma Luna, the police did not manage or monitor their use of lethal weapons carefully because they beat random people until they couldn’t move. If it had caused serious injury or death, than those particular policemen... ... middle of paper ... ...ape is mostly aimed towards women, it is known that bandits have also had men as victims. “Immigrants tell of nine gangsters who hurled a man off their train, then forced two boys to have sex together or be thrown off too.” (Nazario). While the wrongdoers in this situation are bandits, it is still a part that should be focused on because it demonstrates that women are not the only rape victims. In both the movie, La Misma Luna, and the newspaper series, Enrique’s Journey, migrants are faced with many issues. The most deadly and scarring issues all relate back to bandits, judicial police, and la migra or Mexican immigration officers. The problems that arise are serious to the point of rape, robbing, and beating. It is not easy crossing the border illegally and secretly, but the successful ones have an interesting or even traumatic story about how it worked for them.

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