The Abraham Lincoln Assassination

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The Abraham Lincoln Assassination was a tragic, and horrible event. The way the country was strongly split up at that time affected the way the events of the assassination played out before, during and after the wicked event.

Way before Abraham Lincoln’s assassination, the Union and the Confederacy disagreed in everything that was the reason why they were strongly divided because they shared different view of how the country should be run. The Union believed it would be easy for a member of the Confederacy to feel the need to plot an evil plan for the murder of the Union leader, Abraham Lincoln. The Confederacies believed by murdering Abraham Lincoln their message would be heard around the country. Which in fact it did because nobody believed a president could be killed in just a horrible manner.

John Wilkes Booth, was born May 10, 1838. He was an actor who performed in many different plays throughout the country. He was also the main lead in some of William Shakespeare's most famous works. John was a racist and a Southern sympathizer during the Civil War. He disliked Abraham Lincoln very much, because Abraham represented everything Booth was against. Booth and his group were planning to kidnap Abraham Lincoln and to take him to Richmond and lock him up in return of all of the confederate prisoners who were present in the war.

On March 17, 1865, the group planned to capture Lincoln who was scheduled to attend a play at a hospital located on the outskirts of Washington. However, the - president changed plans and remained in the capital. Thus, Booth's plot to kidnap Lincoln failed. (Page 1/Paragraph 3)

If the confederates were going as far as kidnapping the president why would it be strange if they murdered Ab...

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... of the theories of course there are many of them.

“The Simple Conspiracy Theory” is a simple conspiracy. This theory states that John Wilkes Booth and a small group of friends were first planning to kidnap the president. They eventually changed their mind they wanted to make a big statement and the came up with a plan to assassinate Abraham Lincoln. The conspirators also wanted to assassinate Vice-President Johnson and Secretary of State Seward at the same time because it will be a major downfall to the government of the United States. John Wilkes Booth and his group goal were to give the South a chance to rise again and be in the top like they used to. John Wilkes Booth saw himself as a hero. John Wilkes Booth had a diary and in that diary he stated, “Abraham Lincoln was a ‘tyrant’, and that he should be praised just as Brutus was for killing Julius Caesar”.

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