Abraham Lincoln: America's Greatest President

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The appellation, “The Great Emancipator” is not granted to just any person, but rather it highlights a courageous, respectful, and driven individual. Abraham Lincoln’s contribution to the United States is so grand and captivating, that he is deservingly recognized as America’s greatest president. For example, he abolished slavery, led America through the Civil War, and prevented the Union from splitting apart. Abraham Lincoln is America’s greatest president and was the forceful leader that manipulated America from a state of turmoil into a state of justice and harmony.

Primarily, America’s opulence initiated with Lincoln’s determination to preserve and to strengthen the moral cause of the Union, starting off with focusing on abolishing slavery. Initially, his “paramount object in this struggle [was] to save the Union, and [was] not either to save or to destroy slavery.” The institute of slavery was a controversy in America for decades. Although his intentions were never to radically demand immediate freedom for 4 million black slaves, his Emancipation Proclamation, which was issued during his third year fighting the Civil War, finally conveyed the annihilation of slavery. What really caused Lincoln to reverse his original thoughts regarding the emancipation of slaves was a calling for “an act of justice.” He felt that God called upon him to free the slaves, similarly to how Moses felt when God spoke to him through the burning bush to liberate the Jewish slaves in Egypt. Moreover, slavery, the state of an individual having absolute power over another individual’s life and liberty, was finally recognized as an evil concept according to Lincoln. The purpose of the Emancipation Proclamation was not solely on freeing the slaves, bu...

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...cans had the right to life, liberty, and pursuit of happiness.

It is easy to see that Abraham Lincoln truly exemplifies the ideal president in the America. Not only did he abolish the institution of slavery, lead the Union to a victorious outcome in the war, and instill unity throughout the country, he changed thousands of people’s lives and gave America the democratic characteristics that are still displayed today.

Works Cited

Holzer, Harold. "Abraham Lincoln." Worldbook Advanced. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. .

Kelly, Martin. "Abraham Lincoln- 16th President of the United States." About.com. 2011. Web. 15 Feb. 2011. .

Kunhardt, Philip B. Lincoln: An Illustrated Biography. New York: Alfred S. Knope, 1992. 116+. Print.

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