Abortion and Christianity

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Abortion is the voluntary act taken by a woman to terminate a pregnancy. It results in the death of a fetus or embryo. Pro-Choice groups advocate freedom of choice and often use scientific examples and facts to support their argument. The contrasting view to the Pro-Choices is that of the Pro-Life or ‘Right to life’ group. They believe that all life is sacred and to kill any form of human life is immoral. There is also a moderator between the two, they hold the view that only in certain cases is it acceptable, for example rape.

The Pro-Choice group use a variety of arguments, many surrounding a woman’s right to decide. They also cite examples of where abortion may be a way to end suffering, for example rape and the reminder of a traumatic experience this child would bring. Another scenario where the birth of a child would cause suffering is an underage pregnancy. The effect this would have on the unfortunate teenager may well be long term and permanent, it would add stress to her life in a time when she should be studying and trying to achieve her goals. Here lies the governments point of view, they agree with the argument that it is a woman’s right to decide and if you are against it, simply don’t have it. The second side to the argument for a woman’s right to decide states that a woman should have the power to control her own body. If men can’t get pregnant in an accidental pregnancy then it is immoral not to let the woman have the abortion. Pro-Choice groups also often also take a purely scientific stance to abortion, and use the condition of the foetus as an argument. They may say that the foetus has x number of cells and therefore cannot feel, remember or experience the event. Another social argument for the continuing leg...

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...e it is vulnerable to all kinds of abuse from the potentially abusive parents? I don’t condemn nor condone the use of abortions as contraception, it is the choice of the mother, and the mother will wear the consequences of her decision. The power that religion has on non religious people extends far beyond the good will of some specific people performing their acts to gain brownie points with God. Not only is the imposing nature of Christianity especially unneeded, it is dangerous. I talk specifically about the condemnation of condoms in Africa. These intrusive Christians decided that aides infested countries were not pure enough and to get through the pearly gates they would need to virtually sacrifice themselves by being exposed to the deadly virus. I, as with many other pro-choice supporters, believe that abortion is not a good thing, just the lesser of two evils.

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