The Abolition of Slavery and the American Constitution

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In 1688 the first American movement was the one to abolish slavery when the German and Quakers decent in Pennsylvania. The Quakers establishment had no immediate action for the Quaker Petition against slavery. The first American abolition society was the Relief of Free Negroes Unlawfully by the Quakers that had strong religious objections of slavery. In 1756 John Woolman gave up his business to campaign against slavery along with other Quakers. Thomas Paine was the first to write an article about the United States abolition of slavery and it was titled “African Slavery in America”.

The Abolitionist Movement was set in motion in every state to abolish slavery. In 1804, slaves in every state north of the Mason-Dixon Line and the Ohio River the had succeeded in passing legislation. In the 1860 census there were still a dozen of permanent apprentices after the emancipation in the freed states. The New York Manumission Society, the Society of Friends and the Pennsylvania Antislavery Society were the principal organized bodies to advocate this reform. In 1804, New York was the last nort...

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