A Well-Seasoned Society

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When it comes to matters of society, humanity can be a relative aspect in functionality. Humanity is the underlying cause of simple happenings within a society. Humanity provides an explanation for why humans do the things they do – because they are human. Humanity is the base of co-existence; it is the core of society. In relation to humanity, the government is out of line. There is a relation between humanity and government however this is in terms of the different roles they play in the field of society. Humanity deals with the choices humans make and they actions they practice to accompany these choices. In society, the government plays the role of determined how the society will be administrated based off of what values of humanity the subjects of that society succumb to. Society should not be restricted to bounds of a government, but should also embrace natural human nature. Human nature should operate on a course that is both natural and sensible at the same time. Through allowing the course of nature to operate freely, human beings acquire knowledge through trial and error and an effective, fully functional society is created. A well-functioning government cannot be run without the basis of a natural flow of human nature.
A government that is all-powerful is poisonous to society. In order for a society to be successful, human nature and government have to work hand-in-hand, making no advancements without acknowledgement of the other. For an individual to relinquish all of their basic rights to a common power for the guarantee of security is not logically intelligent, as each individual has the capability of providing for their own security should they take the time to explore this option. Thomas Hobbes states himself in ...

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...ses, the natural choices of humans impact the functionality of that society. Humanity is allows for humans to advance at a natural pace, decided by society as a whole. Humanity provides the basis for the existence of a society, which in turn progresses toward development that leads to the desire for an organized government. However, government and humanity should operate cohesively for the good of society. Human nature should be allowed to run its course freely and should not be forced. In doing so, it allows for humans to evolve into greater societies due to learned customs and values.

Works Cited

Hobbes, Thomas. Th Leviathan in the State of Nature. Chicago: Uniersity of Chicago Press, 2008. (accessed March 21, 2014).
Locke, John. The Second Treatise of Government. 1690.
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques. The First and Second Discourses. Boston: St. Martin's Press, 1964.

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