A Timeline of Psychology

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Psychology Timeline
1. 1802--The first tri-chromatic theory of color vision produced by Thomas Young.
2. 1848--Accident of Phineas Gage happens and influences psychology studies of memory.
3. 1859--Darwin published his ideas in his writing the Origin of Species.
4. 1861--The left side of the hemisphere was named after Broca, the scientist who worked on a patient with a language disorder.
5. 1879--First psychology laboratory was created at the University of Leipzig in Germany.
6. December 1879--Psychology was officially born as a new branch of science.
7. 1879--Wilhelm Wundt founded the fist psychology laboratory.
8. 1885--Herman Ebbinghaus was the first person to conduct scientific research on forgetting, he made and memorized a list of 13 nonsense syllables and then saw how long he could remember them for.
9. 1898--E.L. Thorndike works with the power of consequences and behaviors caused
10. 1900–Freud publishes his book The Interpretation of Dreams
11. 1917--Freud established the technique of psychoanalysis and the basis for it.
12. 1920--John B. Watson does the experiment on little Albert to show learned behavior.
13. 1925- Lewis Terman conducted a study on children using IQ test, and the gifted children both gifted in social and academics.
14. 1927--Ivan Pavlov does his work with the classical conditioning on dogs.
15. 1938--B.F Skinner develops and explains the concept of operant conditioning.
16. 1938--B.F Skinner explained that he believes what people do is based on action and behavior.
17. 1956- Benjamin Whorf argued language determines the way we think.
18. 1957--James Vicary used people’s subliminal perception to increase the selling rate of popcorn and coke at a movie theater.
19. 1960--George Von Bekesy studied the ef...

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...adolescence and among his most contribution to psychology.
57. 1977- Hay flick’s came with cellular_colck theory.
58. 1994- Stanley Rapaport compared brains of younger and older people involved in same tasks.
59. 1978- Daniel Levinson publishes The Season of a Man’s life.
60. 1966- Masters and Johnson observed, measured physiological responses.
61. 1948- Kinsey started research in several behavior.
62. 1954- Maslow proposed Hierarchy of needs.
63. 1927- Walter cannon present alternative physiologically based of emotion.
64. 1962- Stanley Schechter developed two factor theories of emotions.
65. 1983- Ekman conducted research on facial expression related to the behavior or emotion of person.
66. 2004- Robert Emmons and Michael McCullough conducted number of studies demonstrating ways of being grateful led to enhancement of happiness and psychological well-being.

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