A Summary of Life As We Knew It by Susan Beth Pfeffer

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Life as we knew it no longer exists. The world is starting to dwindle away before the eyes of the spectator, life becomes precious, and love is the only thing left to hang on to. All of a sudden a meteor crashes into the moon creating massive floods,earthquakes, and explosive volcanic eruptions all over the world. Miranda , a teenage girl, and her family try to cope with the drastic lack of supplies. The future looks bleak, but Miranda tries to stay hopeful as life as she knew it disappears. The meteor crashing into the moon was spasmodic, yet it left the world to crumble in it’s wake of destruction. The sun seems to not exist, because of the volcanic ash that has diffused throughout the air. Fresh produce no longer exists, and death comes sudden to those who are too weak to go on. “‘ I feel like it should be a dream and when I wake up none of it will have happened, said Miranda.’” (Pg.27) As the world dwindles away, Miranda dreams about her best friend Becky in heaven, and mounds of food surrounding her. The dreams tantalize her, making her more desperate for strength through the h...

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