A Personal Look at Racial Profiling

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A large problem in America

My research paper/project is on racial profiling. i chose this topic because it is a huge problem in todays society. Anywhere you go there is always going to be racial profiling. From the most wealthiest cities to the poorest most broken down parts of the slums. There will be racial profiling.Even in the schools students are starting to be profiled and i personally can speak from first hand on this cause it has happened to me multiple times and i have been punish multiple times or put throw and unfair treat me just cause of the image that most african american males have bestowed upon them by the american society. When people hear the phase racial profiling they automatically think of the african american community. But its not just us its dont matter is you're white, black, native american, latino american, or pacific islander. The will always be a type of poster child or stereotype that a certain community has bestow upon them. weather its being lazy and a thug for the african american community or if its being an stuck up preppy white kid. All communities have a standard in which society believes they all live up to no matter what. There is a long line history and examples of racial profiling such as... The existence of racial profiling dates back to slavery. In 1693, Philadelphia’s court officials gave police legal authority to stop and detain any Negro (freed or slaved) seen wandering around on the streets. This discriminatory practice continued through the Jim Crow era and now in the twenty first century, racial profiling is prevalent across cities in the U.S.

In 1996 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled in U.S. v. Armstrong that racial profiling is constitutional in the absence of data that "similarly s...

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...filed and stopped and search and handcuffed. Actually it happened at my school pittsburg high where everybody is supposed to be “equal”. In the circumstance I was below everybody just cause i was black and looked at a certain way just cause of the stereotypes that were placed upon me. Also early in my project I brought up another male that had been classified as a thug by man but was a stanford graduate. Called a Thug just cause of the way he looked and by the way people profiled him. Basically From all the research and interviewing I have done I have found out that a larger populations of people still have a stereotypical out look on every race.

Works Cited

"Racial Profiling." En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_profiling. En.wikipedia.org/wiki/Racial_profiling, n.d. Web.

Homles, James E. "Redirect Notice." Redirect Notice. N.p., 04 Apr. 2012. Web. 17 Apr. 2014.

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