A Futuristic Story

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The day it all started, the turning point. We thought we were the master race, untouchable to whatever else lay wake on this planet. Our number one enemy, killer of millions was always in our shadow. We had been in a constant war against it since the dawn of time; it evolves rapidly and is a silent killer. The year was now 2350, everyone had been affected by it, it ravaged town’s even cities with ease, and everyone knew someone who had been taken by it. The quarantine law was enacted to supposedly help the people, but it just demoralized us, taking loved ones away with little hope of return...no hope. No one had ever returned from the devils waiting room, grotesque iron gates ensured no one entered or left without permission, jagged spikes stood tall like a set of teeth which guarded the way to a more sinister path. No one knew what actually happened in the stomach of the metal monster, some believed people were selected to go and live a better life, and they thought they had a cure. Others had a darker view. We were tested regularly in a uniformly fashion. We were ordered to keep fi...

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