A Face in Every Window by Han Nolan

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A Face in Every Window by Han Nolan

You know how they say never to judge a book by its cover? Well, that is what I find myself doing before most books I read. Whether it is an assigned book as a class, or a choice book we have to read on our own. I usually look forward to books with a catchy cover or an interesting title, and those are the books I look forward to reading. Books with a boring cover or a title I don't find interesting are usually the books I dread reading the most. I don't know why I do this, I guess I just can't really help myself, but most of the time my opinion and views on the book change before I finish it. This happened to be the case for A Face in Every Window by Han Nolan.

First off the title didn't really catch my attention too well. Secondly, the cover seems to be a bunch of pieces of abstract art put together, which also didn't really appeal to me. However, at the very top it says, "author of the National Book Award winner Dancing on the Edge." This was the tiebreaker between the books I had picked out to choose from. I figured if she has won a national book award that this book has to be somewhat decent, and thus my journey began.

When I first started reading the book I wasn't quite sure what to expect. It showed a functional family in their daily routine. The story starts out with Mam, Pap, Grandma Mary, and JP (James Patrick) all living in a home. Grandma Mary was the one who kept everything in line. Pap is mentally challenged but seems to catch a grasp of a few things. Mam seems to be antisocial, while her son, JP, strives for good grades. His main reason for this is not to fall into the shadows of his father. However, this all changes when Grandma Mary dies. Now that the backbone of their family has passed away, they have to start over from scratch and hope that their family doesn't get ruined. It doesn't help that Mam makes them move while doing many other crazy things. She lets people come and go as they please at their new house. She also leaves with Dr. Mike to Switzerland for vacation.

As the book progressed I found myself more and more interested in it.

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