A Dream in William Faulkners' A Rose for Emily

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Writers all write for a reason and every single one of them write for a different reason. Some might write for a loved one that passed away, another for a lover or best friend. Other might right because a piece of food or clothing inspired them to write a bestselling book. There are all different types of reasons to write and express what you feel the world needs to be told. William Faulkner is a Nobel Prize winning author that voiced why it is he wrote and might have even affected the culture with his writing. He said that he wrote “to help man endure by lifting his heart, by reminding him of the courage and horror and hope and pride and compassion and pity and sacrifice which has been the glory of his past.” A lot of people believe that he met his goals in writing and excelled far past them in lots of different ways. He said that he was not winning the Nobel prize, but of all of the work that he did. In William Faulkner’s story, A Rose for Emily, he did fulfill his own writer’s duty by showing horror, pride and sacrifice.
William Faulkner was able to make the characters in his story, A Rose for Emily almost come to life with the detail in his writings, but you almost did not want them to do to the horror they would bring with them. The characters that we knew the best after reading this story all seemed to be haunted by something. Emily was really haunted by her past by the time she died. When Emily began to go slightly insane her mask was removed and her true face began to show. She had watched as her aunt went crazy, her father die, a man she once believed she loved leaving her, and the death of her lover. I say lover because we never truly know if they got married or if she murdered him before that, or even if she actually m...

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...y to get to know and maybe even help her and how they walked around the town. If Emily would have never been in the town then people living there would have probably felt safer and more at peace. With her there they had to sacrifice that. Emily was the ghost that haunted that town, and maybe even still does.
Will Faulkner really shows how horror, pride and sacrifice are all used in his story A Rose of Emily, and because of this proves that he did fulfill his ideal writers duty. This is a story that he should be proud of because of how it is know reached in schools everywhere and has affected a lot of lives. Faulkner wanted to make the young people listen and to set goals for themselves and that is what he did with this story. Faulkner allowed these young people who were interested in wiring to start to build that foundation and to begin to finish their castles.

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