A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

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A Doll’s House by Henrik Ibsen

In the play, A Doll’s House, by Henrik Ibsen, you will find numerous incidents, comprised of numerous beats. Inside each and every beat you will find exponential amounts of subtext, exposition, and character development. Nora Helmer, the main character, makes the most significant changes in her disposition, based on various discoveries throughout the play. It is through the discoveries that Nora eventually finds her true self. Some of Nora’s discoveries are involved in complications; some are even climax points. In the end, everything comes to a resolution, whether they are good or not.

Nora’s very first discovery takes place during the second incident of the first act. Nora finds out that Christine has come to visit in hopes of finding a job (p. 401). Nora takes it upon herself to make sure that Christine is secured with a job. There is a resolution to this complication on p. 404, when Nora does indeed convince Torvald to give her a job. This, however, eventually leads to a complication. Nora knows that she will be able to convince her husband to hire Christine. However, this also means that someone will be out of a job. Eventually, this discovery (and the decision she has made about the discovery) lead to Krogstad losing his job, and he blackmails her because of it.

The second discovery Nora makes takes place, again, in the first act (p. 402) when Christine informs Nora that she used to know Krogstad. This doesn’t have much effect on Nora when she first learns about it. However, later in the play, we find out that the two were once lovers and that Christine left Krogstad for another man with money. This works to Nora’s advantage, and she doesn’t even know it when she first learns about it. Christine, a widow, eventually has the power to solve all of Nora’s problems, and Nora doesn’t know it until the last scene of the play. Christine takes Krogstad back, and Krogstad takes back all of the problems he put on Nora. Unfortunately, this comes too late to save her marriage.

Nora’s third discovery takes place in the second incident of the first act. Nora is talking with Krogstad (p. 403) after he sneaks into the house. Her discovery is that Krogstad is not there to inform Torvald of the money she borrowed. Instead, Krogstad is at their home to discuss business with Torvald about the bank and his new position of authority.

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