A Comparison of the Attack on Pearl Harbor and the Terroist Attacks of September 11th, 2001

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The events of December 7th1941 on Pearl Harbor are ones that along with many others will forever remain written down as a historic day in not just in history but in naval and military history as well. In this essay I will first explain and describe the Pearl Harbor attack. I will do that in the perspective of a male veteran who at the time was stationed at Pearl Harbor as a U.S. Navy cadet describing the events of that topic to a news anchor for a local newspaper. I also explain what happened after the attack and explain if there was any possible way to prevent it. Next, I will transition to playing the role of the news anchor and describe the events of September 11th 2001. I will interview a person who survived that terrorist attack and describe if it could have been somehow prevented. To follow I will compare and contrast the two infamous events. Lastly I will explain what Pearl Harbor taught me and the world, which will be relating to present day. To end it all I will include images of the Pearl Harbor and September 11th showing before and after the attacks. Enjoy! NEWS ANCHOR: Sir, we will now be starting the interview. Can you please start by introducing yourself and explaining what exactly happened on December 1st in Pearl Harbor? NAVY VETERAN: My name is Paul Hankins and I am a military veteran of the navy and World War II. December 7th is a day I vividly remember. Days like those are the type that you never can seem to forget and too often keep you up all night reliving the horror you seen. On December 7th 1941 I was stationed at Pearl Harbor on the naval basis. It was a placid and sunny morning like every typical day. But the tranquility quickly ended. At exactly 7:53 a.m. Japanese planes became visible over Pearl Har... ... middle of paper ... ...on, the United States was very agitated by the surprise attack of 9-11 and congress did not hesitate to formally declare The War On Terrorism and formally go into war with Iraq. In the September 11th attacks you can see many similarities and differences to the Pearl Harbor Attack. To start, there are very few differences between the attacks but the few that there are, are that both attacks happened in different regions of the country. Also, the Pearl Harbor attack was an attack on the military and 9-11 was an attack on citizens and Pearl Harbor happened in one area while 9-11 happened in a couple of states. However, 9-11 and Pearl Harbor do have many similarities between them. Those similarities included that both attacks where Terrorist attacks against the United States and both could have been prevented. Also, both killed many people in addition to leading to war.

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